5861 Governors Hill Dr, Alexandria VA 22310 Advertised For Sale
Do you want to learn more about real estate in the area near and inside the Beltway?
Very Large Place For $1,299,000 in Alexandria
5861 Governors Hill Dr, Alexandria VA was recently listed for sale and is listed for $1,299,000. Therefore, you may want to deliberate on this residence (depending upon your budget). But, compare 5861 Governors Hill Dr to others in the area that have about 3,586 sqft of living area.
Stunning open spaces on 4 levels conveniently located close to METRO, 495, Pentagon, and Amazon.
Main level features hardwoods throughout, a primary bedroom /in-law suite with full bath, separate formal dining room, 2-story family room ... [Read more]
$1,299,000 ↔ 6 BR ↔ 5 BA ↔ 0 HB ↔ Alexandria Virginia
Neighborhoods In Alexandria With Similarly Sized Homes
All the communities in this table have homes for sale which are circa the same living area as 5861 Governors Hill Dr. Why identify communities like this? Because, by comparing several communities, a shopper can appreciate what is really available in Alexandria.
To find your perfect property, don't hesitate to contact Nesbitt Realty.
How Much Home Can You Get In 22310 For Around $1,299,000?
Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 5861 Governors Hill Dr? The table below shows the sizes of other very large homes now for sale in 22310. All of these homes cost close to as much as 5861 Governors Hill Dr.
What Elementary School Choices Are Available For A Similar List Price?
Have you thought about the schools that your child will attend if you live at 5861 Governors Hill Dr? If you're looking to spend $1,299,000 in Northern Virginia, then Clermont Elementary School might not be your only choice. The table below shows some of the other choices you may wish to take into account.
Stuart's pointers of the day for buyers looking at 5861 Governors Hill Dr in Alexandria
Further, Stuart Nesbitt is committed to putting the client's needs first. Detached Homes in Fairfax County are close to 34 years old. 5861 Governors Hill Dr Alexandria VA 22310 is in Governors Hill and the 22310 Zip code and is currently on the market for $1,299,000. This home has 3,586 sqft of above grade living area. Most people buy only a few places in their lifetime, usually with quite a few years in between each purchase. Even if you’ve done it before, laws and regulations change. Furthermore, Stuart Nesbitt has already handled more transactions in Fairfax County in the last year than most home buyer will face in a lifetime.
Also Listed
Stuart Nesbitt can help you, if you would like to check out 5861 Governors Hill Dr or any of the homes below. In fact, if needed, Stuart can provide details and more information.
Learn more about how rebates work and how much you can save with Stuart Nesbitt. Contact Stuart Nesbitt today at (703)765-0300 to discuss your priorities.