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$3,990 :: 4 Bedroom Homes, Close To Huntington

Photo of 6515 S Kings Hwy 6515 S Kings Hwy, Alexandria VA 22306 :: 4 BR // 3 BA // 1 HB // $3,990
Nesbitt Realty
Nesbitt Realty
6515 S Kings Hwy, Alexandria 22306

Close to everything, Old Towne Alexandria, National Airport, Ft. Belvoir, the new Amazon Complex, Downtown D.C., the Beltway, I-95, Shopping, Restaurants and 1 mile to the recently renovated Huntington Metro. A traditional floorplan, well ... [Read more]

Nesbitt Realty can provide objective information about 6515 S Kings Hwy and help you use that information to help you determine if this rental home has what you need. If you need more information about this rental dwelling at Fairview and beside the Yellow Line, contact Nesbitt Realty.. Nesbitt Realty can also help you with these similarly priced homes around Alexandria.
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Nesbitt Realty
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