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5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118, Alexandria VA 22303 On The Market

3 Bedroom in 22303 in Fairfax County For Around $550,000

It’s a good idea to learn all you can about condos in the Fairfax County area if you’re looking at buying a condo such as 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118.

Real Estate Pieces of Info About The 22303 Area

  • The median age of homes in the 22303 area is 40 years. 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118 is 36 years old.
  • The 22303 Area has an average price per square foot of $348 . Still, 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118 is $339 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in the 22303 area is 99 days.
  • The average living area in the 22303 area is 1,316 sqft. But even so, 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118 has 1,695 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the 22303 area?
2059 Huntington Ave #1408 is the least expensive home in the 22303 area. 2059 Huntington Ave #1408 is listed for $180,000. But, 2813 James Dr is the highest-priced home in the 22303 area. 2813 James Dr is asking $999,000. What is more, this data is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Above all, this data will change.  What is true and accurate today, 09/25/2022, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Will Nesbitt for the latest real estate information from the 22303 area or for information about condos not unlike 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118.
5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118, Alexandria 22303

***** JUST LISTED! - OPEN HOUSE SUN. 9/25 FROM 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM. ***** Welcome Home to 5904 Mount Eagle Drive, #118. Montebello "J" model with GARAGE PARKING SPACE conveying! The largest 3-Bedrooms/2-Full-Bathrooms model that Montebello ... [Read more]

Photo of 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118 $574,500 -|- 3 bed -|- 2 bath -|- 0 half-bath -|- Alexandria 22303 VA Would You Be Willing To Pay $550,000 For A $574,500 3-BR 2 BA Condo In 22303 in Fairfax County?

Neighborhoods In Alexandria With Selections Around $574,500

All the communities in this table have places available which are close to the same price as 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118. Why identify communities like this? Because, by comparing some areas, a home buyer can better understand what is in fact available in Alexandria.

How Much Home Can You Get In 22303 For Around $574,500?

Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118? The table below shows the sizes of other mid-sized condos now listed in 22303. All of these condos cost approximately as much as 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118.
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft)6 Active
Mid-Sized (1501 to 2,000 sqft)5 Active

What Styles Are Available For A Similar List Price In 22303?

Have you thought about what style of home you like? If you want to spend around $574,500 in 22303, there are only so many selections to choose from. The choices are shown on the chart above.
Colonial5 Active
Unit/Flat2 Active
Ranch/Rambler, Bi-level1 Active
A-Frame1 Active
Traditional1 Active
Transitional1 Active
Learn more about

3 beds, 2 full baths

Home size: 1,695 sqft

Added: 09/22/22, Last Updated: 09/22/2022

Property Type: Condo for Sale

MLS Number: VAFX2087176

Subdivision: Montebello


List Price: 574500.00


Alexandria Home Buying Pointers

Will's helpful information of the day for buyers looking at 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118 in Alexandria

In addition, Will Nesbitt is a real specialist on places advertised for sale in 22303 in Fairfax County, and would love to show more about Alexandria. 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118 Alexandria VA 22303 is in Montebello and the 22303 Zip code and is currently listed for sale for $574,500. This condo has 1,695 sqft of above grade living area. Condos in Montebello are close to 36 years old. Shopping for home online can increase the buyer's temptation to bump up the price range. "Some real estate shoppers just have trouble sticking to the budget,” says Will Nesbitt, a terrific licensed real estate adviser in Alexandria, Virginia. "One way to avoid this mistake is to get preapproved for a loan so you know exactly how much you can actually afford."

Also Listed

Will Nesbitt can advise you, if you would like to inspect 5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118 or any of the properties below. Further, if needed, Will can provide details and more information.

5904 Mount Eagle Dr #118

[$594,500, Alexandria, VA 22303]

12001 Market St #458

[$525,000, Reston, VA 20190]

11500 Fairway Dr #308

[$575,000, Reston, VA 20190]

Contact Will Nesbitt

If you need more details, Will Nesbitt can show you exactly what $550,000 can purchase you in Fairfax County today.
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