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Identifying A Mid 20th-century 1 Bedroom Condo For Around $200,000 In Alexandria

If you are chasing an one-of-a-kind mid 20th-century 1 bedroom condo for around $200,000, 2237 Farrington Ave #06-201 should probably be on your list. But it's not the only mid 20th-century 1 bedroom condo for around $200,000 you'll want to learn more about in Alexandria. Julie Nesbitt can explain how the U.S. Tax Code allows a home buyer to deduct the interest on your mortgage. She is not a tax advisor or tax preparer, but Julie Nesbitt can help you understand the basics that every American should know. This mid 20th-century place of residence advertised for sale at 2237 Farrington Ave #06-201 is the answer to a lot of questions for someone.

Julie can help you find a mid 20th-century 1 bedroom condo for around $200,000

Reach out to us to learn more about 2237 Farrington Ave #06-201 in 22303 in Alexandria.

$182,500 ⁙ 1 BR ⁙ 1 BA ⁙ 0 HB ⁙ 460 SQFT ⁙ 2237 Farrington Ave #06-201 Alexandria 22303 VA ⁙ Farrington Place

Looking for a mid 20th-century 1 bedroom condo for around $200,000? Scrutinize these choices.

Contact Julie Nesbitt for a complete list of mid 20th-century 1 bedroom condo for around $200,000 real estate Listed.

How Much Home Can You Get In Alexandria For Around $182,500?

Tiny (1 to 600 sqft)7 Active
Smaller (601 to 700 sqft)2 Active
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft)10 Active
Modest (1101 to 1,500 sqft)1 Active
Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 2237 Farrington Ave #06-201? The table above shows the sizes of other tiny condos now advertised for sale in Alexandria. All of these homes cost about as much as 2237 Farrington Ave #06-201.

For Sale In Alexandria With A Garage

No garage parking18 Active
Property has a garage2 Active
Would you like a garage? If so, you're probably interested the the table above. The table describes how many residences advertised for sale for close to $182,500 have a garage in Alexandria.

Neighborhoods In Alexandria With Similarly Sized Homes

Park Place3 Active
Bearings South2 Active
Bearings North1 Active
Farrington Place1 Active
All the sections in this table have condos listed which are approximately the same living area as 2237 Farrington Ave #06-201. Why identify neighborhoods like this? Because, by comparing various neighborhoods, a home buyer can appreciate what is in fact available in Alexandria.

Why don't you find real estate using a local, small business that cares about your requirements?

Julie Nesbitt appreciates the opportunity to be of service and can help you Choose the most suitable mid 20th-century 1 bedroom condo for around $200,000 for you. Email Nesbitt Realty to learn more from the aces on Alexandria, Virginia real estate.
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