Alexandria Virginia Listed || $1,095,000
Is there reason to worry, when putting out $1,095,000 for a home like 5861 Governors Hill Dr in 22310 in Fairfax County? Not to mention, you could purchase a property that needs repairs which you simply can't afford. However, Nesbitt Realty & Management can help you to buy a home warranty to reduce the risk you'll be facing. Of course, there are many dangers to avoid and overcome. Conversely, a real estate professional similar to Nesbitt Realty & Management has the answers and can help reduce your stress from the buying process. $1,095,000 || 6 BR || 5 BA || 0 HB || AlexandriaAwesome 6BR/5BA Colonial w/ 2 Car Garage & Many Upgrades! Gourmet Kitchen w/ oversized island, granite, SS; opens to dramatic 2 Story Great Rm w/ stone FP! Gorgeous hardwoods on 2 lvls. Rare main lvl BR/BA Suite & office/sitting rm. Huge ... [Read more]

About The Same Size As 5861 Governors Hill Dr In 22310?
All the properties in this table are close to the same living area as 5861 Governors Hill Dr. Why compare properties of a similar size to 5861 Governors Hill Dr in 22310? Furthermore, by comparing similarly-sized residences, a buyer can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in 22310. To find your perfect property, don't hesitate to contact Nesbitt Realty.How Much Home Can You Get In Alexandria For Around $1,095,000?
Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 5861 Governors Hill Dr? The table below shows the sizes of other very large detached homes now listed for sale in Alexandria. All of these homes cost circa as much as 5861 Governors Hill Dr.▲ | ▼ |
Modest (1101 to 1,500 sqft) | 1 Active |
Mid-Sized (1501 to 2,000 sqft) | 3 Active |
Big (2501 to 3,000 sqft) | 1 Active |
Very Large (3001 to 4,000 sqft) | 1 Active |
Sprawling (4,001 sqft and up) | 2 Active |
Alexandria Home Buying Clues
Nesbitt Realty & Management's helpful information of the day for buyers looking at 5861 Governors Hill Dr in Alexandria
Whatever you do, don't try to go it alone without professional help. Investing in a home in Alexandria is not as easy as it looks. 5861 Governors Hill Dr Alexandria VA 22310 has 6 bedrooms and 3,586 sqft. This residence is selling for $1,095,000. The median age of residences in Alexandria is 48 years old. It’s not uncommon for property hunters to miss out on the first detached home they wish to purchase simply because they don’t act quickly enough. By the time the home hunters have made their decision, they find that someone else has already purchased the detached home. Not to mention, Nesbitt Realty & Management can help you get your ducks in a row, so that when the opportunity arises, you'll be ready to strike.Others Priced Like 5861 Governors Hill Dr
Nesbitt Realty & Management can aid you, if you would like to visit 5861 Governors Hill Dr or any of the places below. Besides, if needed, Nesbitt Realty & Management can provide details and more information.See more in Recent Listings
Nesbitt Realty is the authority on the local real estate market.
If you use Nesbitt Realty & Management as your real estate professional to purchase 5861 Governors Hill Dr, Nesbitt Realty can pay you $6,767 at settlement! That's real money and real savings for you. As a purchaser you can deduct your property taxes, and many of the costs involved in buying a residence in Fairfax County. Ask Nesbitt Realty & Management to explain the benefits of buying. He can help.- More about buying with Nesbitt Realty & Management as your Realtor
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