Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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5861 Governors Hill Dr, Alexandria VA 22310 Listed

Alexandria Virginia Listed || $1,095,000

Is there reason to worry, when putting out $1,095,000 for a home like 5861 Governors Hill Dr in 22310 in Fairfax County? Not to mention, you could purchase a property that needs repairs which you simply can't afford. However, Nesbitt Realty & Management can help you to buy a home warranty to reduce the risk you'll be facing. Of course, there are many dangers to avoid and overcome. Conversely, a real estate professional similar to Nesbitt Realty & Management has the answers and can help reduce your stress from the buying process. Continue reading
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How Much For 6 Bedrooms In Alexandria, Virginia?

Governors Hill is in 22310. Nesbitt Realty & Management can help you locate homes that meet your needs and are in your price range. Photo of 5861 Governors Hill Dr It's best to rely on a local specialist like Nesbitt Realty & Management to shop homes. Ad hoc searches without professional assistance rarely return perfect results. Continue reading
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5861 Governors Hill Dr, Alexandria VA 22310 Listed

$1,199,000 :: Alexandria VA 22310

22310 is a great place to find a home such as 5861 Governors Hill Dr for roughly $1,200,000. Looking at these pics and prices from Fairfax County, it's easy to see why this is one of our favorite enclaves in 22310 in Alexandria. Moreover, you will most likely be astonished by what this place can provide. Continue reading
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5861 Governors Hill Dr, Alexandria VA 22310 Advertised For Sale

Do you want to learn more about real estate in the area near and inside the Beltway?

Very Large Place For $1,299,000 in Alexandria

5861 Governors Hill Dr, Alexandria VA was recently listed for sale and is listed for $1,299,000. Therefore, you may want to deliberate on this residence (depending upon your budget). But, compare 5861 Governors Hill Dr to others in the area that have about 3,586 sqft of living area. Continue reading
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6105 Bangor Dr, Alexandria VA 22303 Advertised For Sale

6-bedroom Home ※ Alexandria VA 22303

When you're thinking of buying a detached home the first thing you have to settle is how much you want to pay. 6105 Bangor Dr Alexandria VA 22303 is in Fair Haven and the 22303 Zip code and is currently listed for $599,900. This detached home has 1,702 sqft of above grade living area. If your buying budget is close to $600,000 and you're considering a purchase of homes in Alexandria you may want to talk to Julie Nesbitt to tour 6105 Bangor Dr. Continue reading
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6428 Pickett St, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

What Can I Acquire In 22306 For $850,000?

Do you have reasons to be anxious when we're talking about $850,000 for a 6-bedroom dwelling like 6428 Pickett St in Fairfax County? Further, some home shoppers don't get their own agent because they don't understand that the listing agent works for the seller. On the other hand, Will Nesbitt represents the buyer's interests. In addition, there will be pitfalls to manage and overcome.  But even so, a real estate ace like Will can aid you to avoid most of the risks  associated with buying a home in Fairfax County. Continue reading

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